The Mindfulness Center at Brown brings together top academics in research with leading educators in mindfulness.
About Us
Our mission statement is two-fold:
- Conduct rigorous, empirically driven research about the effects of mindfulness on health; and
- Translate research findings into innovative, cutting-edge teaching for Brown students and beyond.
The Mindfulness Center envisions a world where, across the globe and in all walks of life, mindfulness programs catalyze well-being for the communities that would benefit. Our organization thrives by fostering well-being for our staff, partners and constituents. We harness the power of methodologically rigorous research, and the guidance of diverse stakeholders, to develop and deliver effective teaching. Where research findings support it, mindfulness practices are woven into the living systems of communities, education, health care, and workplaces. We are a key part of a global community of mindfulness practitioners, educators and researchers, through which anyone in the world can access mindfulness programs to support flourishing communities.

Associate Director Shufang Sun

Director of Research and Innovation Judson Brewer

Director Eric Loucks; and Jeffrey Proulx, Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
The following values guide our decisions regarding every aspect of our operations, from hiring to choosing grant targets, project goals, as well as how we manage our relationships and daily work.
We focus on:
CohesionWe foster vibrant collaborations between mindfulness science, education, and the humanities. This takes place with our local, national and international partners.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB)We cultivate diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging at every level of our organization. We partner with, and learn from, diverse communities in order to foster human and planetary health.
Human FlourishingWe practice mindfulness to foster human flourishing, defined as realizing full physical, mental, and social well-being. This includes a commitment to caring for our environment, both locally and globally.
Applied MindfulnessIt begins with us. We co-create a fiscally viable, thriving and healthy organization that embodies the values of mindfulness and well-being for all, including for our staff and collaborative partners.
RigorWe are committed to integrity and fidelity using ethical, evidence-based approaches to both research and education, which gives confidence in our work.
While there is outstanding activity in mindfulness research and education, we recognize that mindfulness training is currently more easily accessible to certain communities than others, and that evidence-based mindfulness training tested in clinical trials has been primarily developed by those with greater resources, power, and limited racial, ethnic and cultural diversity. We acknowledge that many cultures and religions have strong elements of mindfulness within them that can emerge and support well-being of their members, allowing ripple effects and inspiration to other elements of society. The Mindfulness Center is dedicated to creating conditions for people, regardless of their background, to be met by, and to co-create, mindfulness programs that in turn are researched and have the capacity to be scaled and delivered by others in their communities. This involves not only offering great respect and curiosity towards communities whose voices have not been heard as much as others, but also to engage in helping to foster healing from histories of oppression. We are also aware of limited affordable access to mindfulness programs that have been evaluated by numerous high-quality clinical trials. In this regard, the Center is engaged in implementation science research on what is required for health insurance coverage for evidence-based mindfulness programs which would increase accessibility. The Center works with philanthropists and the University to offer free or affordable mindfulness training and mindfulness teacher training to people who serve historically underrepresented groups.
By the numbers
Since the Center’s launch in 2017 through 2023, Mindfulness Center faculty have generated:
$ 39.3M
in National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding
$ 3.7M
in foundation and philanthropic funding
peer-reviewed mindfulness publications
mindfulness books
History of the Mindfulness Center
Top researchers and educators in the mindfulness field came together to address the need for methodologically rigorous research and education.